Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Spectacular Fiona Davis

One of my favorite book signings last year was Fiona Davis. It was held in The Spring Lake Community House. One of my favorite buildings in the whole world. I still get the feeling of awe when I walk in. And, it holds very special memories for me of my childhood. It holds the library and the place I would visit Santa each year. She filled every seat in the theatre again. And, took the time with photographs of everyone in attendance. I really loved her interview. She has lived and worked in New York City her whole life. First as a actress and then as an Author. She made a core group up of author friends who support each other. Each one of the books are not just a romance of characters, but the building in which the story takes place. I was excited to read the book The Spectacular, because it took place in Radio City Music Hall. Another building which holds many special memories for me. The book was a fast read, and I passed it on to my daughter. I was thrilled to visit the show The Spectacular with the Rockettes last Christmas. I look forward to reading The Lions of Fifth Avenue which I purchased at the New York Public Library store this year. I went to the New York Public Library for the first time before I opened my Bookshop. I started a format on my blog to help promote my bookshop. And, I lost my way. Not sure if I have been sharing the right link etc. I even thought I had written a blog post about Fiona Davis, already. But, I created a whole list on my Bookshop, and this first paragraph was taken from there. This is a learning experience at it's best!!! When I figured out how to organize the lists it was a win! This week it was announced the bookstore Thunderoad books will be trading places with Kate and Co. which is amazing. The store will now be facing the lake with more light and space. It is really nice having a bookstore to visit in my hometown. And, they have been bringing the best authors to town, like Fiona Davis. I think one of the most encouraging things I learned about Fiona Davis was she graduated from the town's high school I now live in. I am really looking forward to reading her newest book, which is available for pre-order. I am also looking forward to visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where the "The Stolen Queen" takes place in January 2025. If you would like to join me, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Turning 65 with Grace

Ha Ha!!! I am really deep down angry. But, thankful. So confusing, right? But, the medicare commercials, mailings, phone calls are driving me crazy. Overall, I am accepting turning 65 as a beautiful thing. I always make sure I am celebrating my birthday in an happy place. I probably worked most of my birthdays. And, not depending on someone to make it happy for me. This started at very early age. Because, all of the birthdays in my immediate family were celebrated the week of October 9 until the 13th. Except, for my grandmother and father. So, by the time my birthday rolled around most of the celebrating was over. I do have to say my mom did have some pretty amazing birthday parties which stand out. One was an horseback riding party at Circle A (it's still there) and the other was a roller skating party. I loved in the last few weeks hearing about the Mets. They are in the headlines (sort of) for being in the National League playoffs this week with the Dodgers. This brings back the best memories of my birthday week. Because, it was the same week of the World Series. And, maybe this is why I always remain so hopeful. This election year has been the hardest to remain hopeful. It's hard to talk about, because we can't predict the future. And, we all feel the outcomes of either candidate winning is hard to imagine. And, honestly I feel the media is leading the country more then the President. They are so negative, and influential on the mood and spirit of the country. I just refuse to pay attention to it, any more. I am trusting my intuition, as always. And, voting from my gut. As usual, I would never share this with anyone. Any way, back to the MIRACLE METS!!! It would make me SO happy if they made the World Series. I loved watching the series in the 80's when they played the Phillies in the World Series. I remember going to a few games with my dad. He loved to take my brother to a LOT of games in the 70's. When my dad retired in 1977, he would go to Mets Spring Training in Florida. I looked at the dates of the 1969 Amazin' Mets World Series and all of the players names. They were household names in our house. I think my favorite Met of all time was Tug Mcgraw. I just loved how he left the pitcher's mound. Tapping his mitt against his thigh. I also loved Yogi Berra and LOVE yogisms. It was great, a coach could have his sayings, words remembered. And, then most Mets players became Yankees or Phillies, and then the disappointment set in. Being so loyal to a team, and then watching them play for someone else would make me mad. Sports do teach us lessons in humanity. And, I realize I do root for the underdog. Most of all in retirement I feel like an underdog. In my writing I feel like an underdog. In my painting I feel like an underdog. But, then there is light of hopefulness to not give up. To have some kind of miraculous outlook, when my best years are now behind me. I still want more, see more, observe more and do more! More dancing for joy, especially. I know it is happening when I look at my posts and pictures. I am living the good life. And, making plans for more. And, so I can say I am turning 65 with more grace then anger. And, most of all I want to say "Let's Go Mets"! Song of the Day: I'm Here Cynthia Erivo for the Color Purple Quote of the Day: "If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be." Yoggi Berra

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sticking to It

I am doing everything within my power to make this a happy birthday. What I find within my power to make myself happy is to follow through with my thoughts. Thankfully, this is much easier to do these days. I finished the tv series "Dickinson" from Apple TV this week. I knew it would make me sad. It reminds me of when I finished Anne with an E during lockdown. The common thread from everything I enjoy is many. The beginnings are very graphic and Dickenson included Victorian images each episode. I loved the dresses, which were very April Cornell-like. I loved they used common modern slang while they talked, even if it was an historical piece representing the Victorian Period. Also, the music was modern. Many times they paid homage to rapping, which after all is poetry. And, finally each title was taken from her poems. There were 30 episodes for a total of fifteen hours spent with the Dickinson family. Some days I just wanted to jump in my car and drive to Amherst. But, I resisted. Then it made me want to take out my calligraphy supplies. I finally did this today, and made a little poem. I used die cuts to make the tiny pocket. And, used stickers from this book: . It contains many Victorian imagaes of books, fountain pens etc. I bought the book when I visited the New York Public Library. I am looking forward to making some more of these little poems and affirmations. I am also looking forward to getting another book of stickers I ordered for my birthday. I'll write more about it next time! I really enjoyed using a calligraphy pen set and use all of the inks. Sadly, the company Victorian Trading Company who made the ink set closed after covid. My mom loved to buy me a little something from this catalog each year. I also have decided to sell some of my other calligraphy supplies on ebay. They are just taking up room, because I haven't used them. The word forever took on a new meaning after watching this show. I read and reread the poem. And, it gives a more realistic view of the word forever. The saying nothing lasts forever is another way of looking at forever sadly. But, to think of forever as nows is a really nicer way of looking at forever. Forever – is composed of Nows – ‘Tis not a different time – Except for Infiniteness – And Latitude of Home – From this – experienced Here – Remove the Dates – to These – Let Months dissolve in further Months – And Years – exhale in Years – Without Debate – or Pause – Or Celebrated Days – No different Our Years would be From Anno Dominies – Reading an Emily Dickinson poem or learning about her in school. I always pondered how she was remembered and taught about in school. Watching the show I felt a kinship with her. I also felt she had a lot in common with Walt Whitman. And, I liked how they both wrote at the same time. And, they showed her reading "A Blade of Grass". Is it her writing about the Civil War that made her famous? They did show how she struggled with the idea of fame. Ironically any time she was published, her name was not mentioned. Her father was against her being published, because she was a woman.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Forever is Composed of Nows

Forever is Composed of Nows. It's hard to believe two weeks ago I stopped into the Book Garden in New Egypt, NJ. I was looking for a book on Emily Dickenson. A few days later I found, by chance, the show Dickenson on Apple Plus TV. My allergies started acting up, I fell and hurt my ribs and I had my surgery on Tuesday( it was no comparison to the first one, this one was very easy). So, this picture taken last night shows I am feeling much better, then the two weeks following Sea Hear Now. I LOVE this quote from Emily Dickenson "Forever is Composed of Nows". The shows titles for the 30 episodes are all taken from her poems. Through meditation I should know by now to live in the present. But, it is still very hard for me. I constantly think of the past, and worry about the future. But, the busier I am the better. So, when I got the text yesterday "Do you want to see the Doobie Brothers at the Garden State Arts Center? It was an instant yes. I am pictured with Terisa Taylor. I met Terisa through my friend Jessica Varion Carrol. Jessica and Jennifer Tuma-Young are Inspired Girls Publishing. I had bought the book Magnificently Made in the Spring. I started reading it October 1st. Concentrating on one of the 33 stories of extraordinary women each day. When I heard I was going to be seeing Terisa that evening. I dove right into her story. I loved the way she wrote of her life. It was about seeing her life as a dance, and a fairy tale. I often think of my life as a fairy tale. So, to have this picture taken was a gift. I think it shows our resilliance to unseen circumstances life can bring, but you can still end up dancing through life. And, if we make up our mind to create mindful NOWS we can live happily ever after, forever. Last week I made a list of some of the Inspired Girls books available in my bookshop. I am including a link. The photo on the Inspired Girls page is from the event SOAR I attended. It stands for Seize Opportunity and RISE. I am looking forward to the event later this month. I have met so many of the authors in the last year. It is hard for me to focus on my own writing. But, I truly love to be inspired, more then telling my own story. But, I have BIG plans for next year. And, I will have a good amount of solitude to focus on my writing, again.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Mindful Mending

Last Sunday I took a workshop in the Carousel Building in Asbury Park. The history of Asbury Park is fascinating. My mind is always a mixture of feelings with so many memories made there. But, most of all I love the new memories still being made. There was so much positive, good, happy, energy this weekend. Like it was each person's job to make sure more then 35,000 people left the town of Asbury Park feeling safe and content. One of my favorite parts of the Sea Hear Now festival is the Art and Artists it brings to town. This year, on Sunday Jenn Hampton and the Wooden Walls Project brought Ben Venom in from San Francisco for a day of sewing appliques. I loved his style of teaching. A few hours in the morning to make the applique. And, a few hours in the afternoon to attach it. I had to work in the afternoon. So, I realized early on I wanted to embroider my skull. I also wanted to do the work at home. Ben shared some great quotes. I now take notes on my phone so I don't forget: "A little danger is ok" in artmaking. And, the other notable one was "In order to succeed in life. You have to fail in public." In other words you have to put yourself out there in order to get any where. I hope to embroider the words on a cloth napkins to send him as a thank you! On 9/11/24 I turned on the tv for the reading of the names of the lost souls. I pulled out my smock and got to work. I used black thread and it was very soothing process to embroider the features of the skull. 9/11 is still a very emotional day for me, and I almost didn't go to the afternoon workshop. But, It felt real good to have it done to wear to the parade on Sunday. I have had strange timing this year with a mix of bad and good. But, being involved in something like this has been just the distraction I needed. It is clear to me: Music Heals. Art Heals and Writing Heals. But, it also can make you feel powerful, magical and super human. But, as life has it, I went through another scare this weekend. I had full body scan by dermatologist last week. On Friday morning I was given the news a new spot was found serious and to schedule an appointment with the plastic surgeon. Monday was my appointment, I was relieved to hear I would have surgery in 2 weeks. And, it would be nothing like I went through in May. It will be 15 minutes. And, I don't have to go under anesthesia. It is in the same area I had the melanoma removed. The funny thing is, it is out of sight and out of mind for me. So, I am just going to say for others to make sure you get checked. This area was looked at many times after my surgery, and it only was two months to have another pre-cancer growth to appear.
When I was involved with Diana Weymar's project for the Music Heals, it was the same thing. Started the project with no idea I had something to heal from. And, then very quickly I was diagnosed with melanoma. And, then I went to the exhibit the week after surgery AND have my friend up from Florida to join me. It is what I am now calling devine timing. But, it is a feeling. It is a feeling of these opportunities are being presented to me. And, I have the feeling of following through. And, that is the magic. Not having someone to talk to on a day like 9/11 is a horrible feeling. So, I was happy to be in of all places but the carousel building in Asbury Park. I can still remember the activists that fought to keep that Carousel from being sold. And, the days of Asbury Lanes being an art, music venue and rising to new heights. Only to be "improved". Asbury Park has redeemed itself this weekend and many times before. But, then things like hurricane Irene, super storm Sandy and covid brings us to our knees again. That's where my dad would say "No one said it was going to be easy". But, it is a miracle. I celebrate Diana's book because she has been embroidering for years and has brought it all together in a book. The name of her book is: Crafting a Better World: Inspiration and DIY Projects for Craftivists published by Harvest/Harper Collins. You can get the book here. She has 122,000 followers on instagram. I admire what she has created, which is a community to give a voice to anyone who wants to express their thoughts with embroidery. I can't wait to buy the book. Happy I embroidered again this week. And, spent a full week in Asbury Park living the dream.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Celebrating Elin Hilderbrand

Erin Hilderbrand's book signings are like a party. She picks a color theme. The waiting line is full of conversation. And, everyone follows the color code. It was fun looking at 300 Elin fans gathered all dressed in aqua. A couple of days before the event an email is sent with what color to wear. I loved the thoughfulness of it. And, how it helped her long time fans show their appreciation for her. The post it notes where they take your name were even aqua. When inside there was a festive scene of balloons. A huge arch framed where she would be signing. She is very gracious, and took pictures with each one of us. As, you can see from the picture, she is having fun. Lots of good cheer. She was particularly happy, because she could announce her book "The Perfect Couple" was coming to Netflix. The next day she announced it was 24 years in the making. As an aspiring writer, this is so important to see. I have been amazed in the last few years the first books of authors being on the best selling list. And, being made into movies in the same year (Lessons in Chemistry). Another part of this book signing, is I feel she knew her audience. And, her book tour took her to beach town book shops. Elin Hilderbrand is "Queen of the Beach Read". I would hear how much my friends would say after reading her books, they want to visit Nantucket. So, I felt lucky to be able to attend. Even if it was her my first read, and her last book written about Nantucket. So, this is why it is titled "The Swan Song". It was a great summer read for this year. And, I reccomend it. I have to admit Sidney Sheldon in the late 1970's was the only author I would get excited about. So, I am glad there are 23 books out there, I look forward to reading. I hope you visit my bookshop. I have figured out how to add sections. So, this week I picked some Elin Hilderbrand books. I do get 10% commission for books purchased through the link in my blog. If you purchase and the Butterfly Wrestler is not on left with my picture, sadly I don't get credit. I hope you are enjoying my new format. I will continue this until Christmas. And, next year I will be traveling with a new format.

Monday, September 2, 2024

September Brings Changes

I love looking at the school pictures on facebook from the beginning of the school year to the end. And, to see all the differences. This time of year I am trying to relax into a season of transforming into retirement. I am still working on my book. But, focusing on artwork to divide each chapter. Also, organinzing the format and outline. During this time I find it really important to start working on a marketing plan. And, putting my focus on other Authors. Listening to their stories and challenges. The picture above is Sona Charaiporta. I met her at the book signing for The Cliffs by J.Courtney Sullivan. There was a gigantic line for J. Courtney Sullivan. So, I decided to chat with Sona Charaipotra. And, the little time we spent together, I learned a lot. I wanted to say I appreciated the format the Author used bringing a friend was a great idea. Showing the importance of making connections, and supporting each other. The other was writing is a very isolating task and most writers are introverts. So, when it comes to marketing, it is expected to go to participate in speaking engagements. I thought the format of this event was great, because Sona C asked her questions. I really admired Sona Charaipotra for having her book Tiny Little Things on netflix. She is a young adult writer. The other favorite part of this event was that it took place at Rumson Country Club. A place I would never have been to, if it wasn't for the book signing. It was beautiful on the river with a vast horizon seen from the huge porch, where we had our lunch. The other reason I went was the ticket included a glass of prosecco. I LOVE having prosecco moments. I feel it is a little celebration in a glass. When it was time to get my book signed by J. Courtney Sullivan, I first asked her to circle a line from the book. It was the line that read "Most lives will be lost to time". I loved that line from where I had already read a few pages waiting for the event to start. There were certain times in my life I felt pressure to have a certain time line followed. I would call it wishing my time away. Sadly, I did this mostly when I worked each day. Wishing for my time at home. So, I thought my first year of not working would be different. It ended up being a struggle. But, that gift of time was greatly appreciated. And, it is helping me now to structure the best ways to spend my time. And, if rest is a priority, I take it. Sounds so simple, but really hard for me. Most of my time is now spent alone. And, so events like this I love, because it sets me up to enjoy my time even if I am attending alone. It makes reading a book more exciting when I have met the author. I also really appreciated the time this Author spent with each person while signing. She didn't have a photographer, and I felt awkward asking for a photo. But, she really seemed to enjoy meeting each and everyone of us. So, my conclusion is to value this time in my life. This is my time, and I love to spend it honoring other writers. This post would not be possible without Reese Witherspoon. At the same time my light of life was dimming, she shined a light on reading. I follow her website: Hello Sunshine. Ironically, Bruce Springsteen released a song Hello Sunshine at the same time. And, my first trip solo and unmarried I walked into a motel room and was greeted by a blanket shouting "hello sunshine". My mom once wrote into a card to me, I was like sunshine to her. So, I have been drawn to the books Reese Witherspoon has picked in the last few years. Her 100th book comes out in the next month. I found the event for the book The Cliffs on her website. It was her July pick. I get through all of the books I have read that she picked quickly. And, I always enjoy them. My favorite pick is still. Where the Crawdads Sing"". I loved the movie, too. And, I love the discussion I have had with friends about this book. I will do another post with all of the Reese's picks I have read. I have read about 10%! I wanted to do a reel on instagram with each one, but I have given them all away! Except for The Cliffs.

The Spectacular Fiona Davis

One of my favorite book signings last year was Fiona Davis. It was held in The Spring Lake Community House. One of my favorite build...