Seeking Serenity

I found it at Serenity Farms. But, it came with controversary. The family is moving to Florida. And, I overheard conversations, and I tried really hard not to listen. I approached the driveway and was impressed by the huge property. It started to pour, and the field was full of people. They continued to pick lavender, and take pictures. I was happy to see tables under a huge tent. I asked if I could watercolor paint. I found a chair that wasn't wet. I was disppointed with the paper I bought, and will have to buy better paper. But, listening to the appreciative people pay for the lavender they picked. I couldn't wait to get out to the field to start picking. I had the field to myself. I took videos and began cutting. Suddenly, realizing how quiet and serene this was. I inhaled with delight and exhaled exhaustion. I listened to the bees, who seemed just as happy. And, whenever I took a video I was able to dance along with a butterfly fluttering through the field. They were extremely generous with the pricing. They were really just happy to have us cut the lavender. For fifteen dollars I was able to purchase eight nice sized bunches. When I left I saw there was a huge sign that said there is a developer building fourteen houses on the property. I can't even think about that replacing a place called Serenity Farms. What I am concentrating on is finding peace and joy. Not, this and not now. It is not even a debate for me to waste my thoughts. I did tell the owner I was blogging about the experience, and I was more curious of why they started it to begin with. And, she kindly answered. They planted the fields and opened it to the public in 2018. They thought it would be a great business experience for their children. And, even with covid, it was great to have the public enjoy, because it was outside. I loved the ending sentence, which went that they squeezed every bit of enjoyment they could out of the fields. I left with those thoughts in mind. I came straight home, and the lavender bunches are hanging to dry for two weeks. This week I plan on visiting two lavender fields in New Jersey. I have a crown making class scheduled to end out the month. So far, the Spring is bringing beautiful weather for a good season. And, I am very happy the summer of 2023 will begin this week. Quote of the Day: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Song of the Day: Let There Peace On Earth International Children's Choir So nice to sing this song again this year at a Mass at St. Catharines to celebrate 1973's class. We sang this song many many times. I truley believe every moment matters.


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