Words are Powerful

Everytime I hear those three words, it calls me to action. In my present position in life, I don't feel too powerful. So, writing is my super power. I still wake up with the thought of sharing what I am thinking. Not too sure, if I will be like this forever. But, it has been what helps. I really appreciate my friends for listening to me, also. I think in the morning, after you had a bad day. If you could just ask yourself "what if". It could make all the difference the next day, so you don't have a repeat. I learned last year in painting class to answer the question "what if" in a painting. And, it really made me think about the answer. And, how this could be something that you wish for. But, since you think usually this thing is impossible. But, when you ask yourself, "how can I make the impossible the possible". If you take action, (and deal with the rejection, maybe) slowly or sometimes quickly you can turn things around. I did this today. And, so far it is working. I was getting mad at myself, yesterday, for every little thing. All the projects unfinished, the paperwork needing attention, the clothes needing to be hung up, the chicken I bought that didn't get cooked before the sell by date. I could go on. But, I think you get it. So, this morning I changed up my routine. I got some things done. And, then started to read my emails. Believe it or not, Sunday is my favorite day for emails. I have five of my favorite artists and authors email me their substacks each week. It is very inspiring with prompts and good words of love, support and encouragement. Which brings me to the power of just one word to pick for the year. I have been doing this since 2009. My word was shine, and it ended up more about my children shining, and enjoying all the light they were bringing into my life. We also celebrated the New Year in Paris, France that year. So, last year it was Be. And, I could not ask for anything better for last year. There is never any pressure to just be. And just being ends up being a creative act. Just being open to what life brings. I really can't believe it brought me retirement. Those first four months of the year ended up being life changing for me. This year I chose radiate. And, this is like shine, but has more energy. So, I would like to put more energy into my life. And, it ends up just the opposite, as of yesterday. But, this time of year I have always felt like a bear in hibernation. And, since it is a year where the choices are up to me, I can rest, and radiate the importance of rest. You can not radiate, unless you rest. So, I rested yesterday and hope to get as much done today to feel better about it tonight.


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