The Butterfly Wrestler Bookshop

The last few weeks became very exciting. Like a child, I put my brush to paper. Imagining what my bookshop would look like. It was fun putting it on paper. I added a rainbow. Because, on social media I wanted to include the song "Reading Rainbow". The next day is when I saw a rainbow without rain. It is not an arched rainbow, but like a cloud rainbow. This was very rectangular. Of course, it freaked me out. I look for signs. And, I really haven't had many this year. Last year I was finding mushrooms everywhere and taking pictures. This just gives me the feeling like, I am living an enchanting life, like a fairy tale. And, seeing a rare rainbow like this made me feel all the feels. Shortly, after first seeing the rainbow, a new song from Cage the Elephant called Rainbow came on my radio. I used to call this my radio karma. Today, I would call it devine timing. Whatever it is, I'll take it! I also downloaded a vidio on you tube. I will be trying every Monday to feature a Monday minute. This week's feature will be the watercolors I have been using all year. These are actually "junior" watercolors. I don't like using tubes of paints. I don't like mixing colors. I don't like waiting for the paint to dry. And, I really don't like if the color dries much lighter then the color I thought it would be. Any other set I had before didn't have enough greens, or bright pink. So, this set is just right for me. I like the choices and brightness of the colors. Here is the link for the watercolors


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