Forever is Composed of Nows

Forever is Composed of Nows. It's hard to believe two weeks ago I stopped into the Book Garden in New Egypt, NJ. I was looking for a book on Emily Dickenson. A few days later I found, by chance, the show Dickenson on Apple Plus TV. My allergies started acting up, I fell and hurt my ribs and I had my surgery on Tuesday( it was no comparison to the first one, this one was very easy). So, this picture taken last night shows I am feeling much better, then the two weeks following Sea Hear Now. I LOVE this quote from Emily Dickenson "Forever is Composed of Nows". The shows titles for the 30 episodes are all taken from her poems. Through meditation I should know by now to live in the present. But, it is still very hard for me. I constantly think of the past, and worry about the future. But, the busier I am the better. So, when I got the text yesterday "Do you want to see the Doobie Brothers at the Garden State Arts Center? It was an instant yes. I am pictured with Terisa Taylor. I met Terisa through my friend Jessica Varion Carrol. Jessica and Jennifer Tuma-Young are Inspired Girls Publishing. I had bought the book Magnificently Made in the Spring. I started reading it October 1st. Concentrating on one of the 33 stories of extraordinary women each day. When I heard I was going to be seeing Terisa that evening. I dove right into her story. I loved the way she wrote of her life. It was about seeing her life as a dance, and a fairy tale. I often think of my life as a fairy tale. So, to have this picture taken was a gift. I think it shows our resilliance to unseen circumstances life can bring, but you can still end up dancing through life. And, if we make up our mind to create mindful NOWS we can live happily ever after, forever. Last week I made a list of some of the Inspired Girls books available in my bookshop. I am including a link. The photo on the Inspired Girls page is from the event SOAR I attended. It stands for Seize Opportunity and RISE. I am looking forward to the event later this month. I have met so many of the authors in the last year. It is hard for me to focus on my own writing. But, I truly love to be inspired, more then telling my own story. But, I have BIG plans for next year. And, I will have a good amount of solitude to focus on my writing, again.


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