Time Keeps On Slipping

Visiting Longwood Gardens at the time I did was quite amazing. It really put things in perspective for me. It was the mostly the roses and the scent in the air. Seeing the arbors of 100 year old roses and realizing I was there at a very perfect time. And,each year there are only so many days to witness this. And, even though I am not working, it is making me realize how short of a window of time I have left. I am not saying this to be morbid. It is just the more time I have to think. It is more time I feel I have to take to witness all the beauty there is to see. I have never felt this way before. I always had a "someday" attitude. And, now I get to treat every day as "someday". I am enjoying every day to the fullest. Even if it is just looking out the window as I am doing the dishes. This week I am still seeing a mother robin guarding her nest in a bush. My hydrangea bushes under my window didn't bloom when I first looked at this place last July. But, each morning the blooms reach higher. They are a beautiful green, just waiting to burst open on the scene. And, best of all to see my grandson last week, and watch him run around and play in the mud was priceless. Looking forward to the next few weeks of lavender season and then the sunflower season. Quote of the day: Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known. A. A. Milne Song of the day: Steve Miller Band Fly Like An Eagle


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