Walking On Sunshine

My journey to joy has been in the making my whole life. There are decades, where life was just taking me there with not much thought or attention. But, when I had some time to think, I would actually work on a plan. So, here I am one month of not working and collecting social security. I have a two year plan. And, what I am putting my focus and attention on is people who are taking thier land and either conserving it or farming it. This could be a lavender field or a place like Longwood Gardens. There are SO many places to visit in the tri-state area. I hope to also photograph and paint what I am seeing. There is a limited time for the lavender to be in full bloom. A lot will depend on the weather. It is a lot of work to plan out the perfect trips. But, since I can't control the weather, I am going to write out the addresses. If it is far away I will try to visit as many as possible in a day. I may even go in the rain. I have done that before, and find it just as enjoyable. I also am taking 30 second videos and each day two will be shared on instagram and facebook. I am capturing these usually at moments most of my senses are being used. It is very relaxing as it is happening. And, then by sharing them you can take a minute to breathe too! I plan on writing a book of this year. And, next year I plan on going to France to finish it. I will also be comparing the Tri-State area to Provence, France. When in France, I will be visiting where my ancestors on my father's side came from. And, visiting lavender fields. I have a place in mind for my writing residency, and it is very exciting to think about. I also have an amazing opportunity this June, I can't wait to share. Quote of the day: Words want to find chimes with each other, things want to connect. Paul Muldoon Song of the Day: Walking on Sunshine: Katrina and the Waves Longwood Gardens was a feast for the senses. The picture above is of the bell tower. The chimes are set electronically to ring every hour. The song was chosen because the Night Fountain Show theme was "It is Always Sunny at Longwood Garden." This show had an excellent Playlist https://longwoodgardens.org/events-performances/fountains/illuminated-fountain-performances-playlists#sunny I had a playlist back when I had the store, and most of these songs were on it. I put the day on my calender, and the weather was perfect. The sky was blue, the birds were chirping, there were places to sit along the way, I walked 13,000 steps and there was a dining terrace in the middle with a beer garden and live music (irish). Longwood Gardens is World Class. And sounds of water fountains everywhere! The chimes each hour was another favorite sound. I highly recommend it. Parking is free! I did pay a senior rate of $22. When I go back I hope to be getting SNAP ( a senior resource I still have to apply for) but, then the cost will be $2 !!!!


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