Keep The Fire Burning

After three days with twenty four hours of driving time by myself, I have plenty to share. But, I am just exhausted. And, I am still full of doubt. I am still very goal oriented in my months of retirement. Which I think overall is a very good thing. But, when I go to write, everything still seems so random. And, I worry I may have readers who are losing interest. I think I mentioned substacks before. And, if you don't know what it is, I can't really help. But, it is becoming my goal. Because, it could be a way to generate income from my writing. I am afraid to make it a goal, and have to invest in a new computer. Every goal I am making is in the least costly fashion, right now. So, I am still going to blog. I am going to list on Ebay, which should generate some money, too. And, then by what I am selling, share what I am letting go of. October is my birthday month. I have a lot to celebrate. I also have a lot to let go of. So, it is really hard to focus on a post. I really enjoyed the last couple of days. I spent one day in Maryland on my way to North Carolina, and one on my way back. I loved getting to hold my new grandson, and got in lots of snuggles. I also got to my favorite pumpkin patch to visit with Everett, who turns four next month. I savor every second I am with my daughter and her beautiful family. The weather was outstanding. Allowing me to sleep in their cottage, which has no heat. My trip to North Carolina was to bring my dishes, good china and crystal to sell at Replacements LTD. I will do a whole post about it, once I get the check ($). It was good for my emotions, to really see how attached I can get to my "stuff". I mean the punch bowl that I served Christmas punch in for more then twenty years was hard to part with. Writing about things like this is very validating for me. Because, as I try to forget about my past and move on. I am realizing I don't want to ever think it never happened. Quote of the Day: "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened". Dr. Suess Song of the Day: Promised Land by Bruce Springsteen sung by Brandon Flowers at the Ocean Avenue Stomp Sold Out show at the Stone Pony During Sea Hear Now Still Can't Believe I was there and Ian was on stage. Pinch me!


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