Taking a JOY ride!

Well my birthday week is over. But, yesterday we celebrated my friend's birthday by taking a JOY ride. I am getting closer and closer to feeling JOY. I had about a two year interuption, and am still not there yet. With my new van, it is bringing the possibilities to light. I still have a terrible way of thinking. The what ifs, the I don't knows, the what the past has proven, and the I don't have enough money or time are still taking up the majority of my brain. But, being with a friend and talking things out really helped. I have lots of ideas for taking more JOY rides. And, if there is any place you would like to go in the tri-state area I am all ears. The good part of my belief system is I believe in wishes, and wishes coming true. And, sometimes we all just need a little validation or support in making dreams come true for ourselves. So, my motto is: Don't ever stop wishing! When I was with Zandra in the beginning of the summer, we were making some art together. We swapped some supplies. I started mentioning places I wanted to go. I mentioned the "Big Rusty" sculpture, and luckily Zandra knew what I was talking about. So, yesterday we made it happen. It did not disappoint. I also loved the days leading up to our trip. I watched many you tube videos. It is like a fairy tale in the making. Thoman Dambo has an excellent Instagram @thomasdambo and follows his adventures all over the world creating Giant Trolls from recycled materials. His current location is Los Angeles and he is making a new installation there. After reading about him, I learned he started out in Denmark as a rapper. So, when he finishes a project, he will rap a poem while filming it. His videos are very personal, yet professional. The news has been very heavy lately. And, for my own personal well being, I am trying to pay attention to the positive peacemakers in the world. I want their voices to be the loudest. The building he chose in New Jersey was a run down ceramics building with grafitti. And, this all speaks very loudly to me. It represents New Jersey. Most of his sculptures are deep in forests. But, this one is made of cement blocks, bricks and scrap wood from the abandoned building. It says "don't feed Big Rusty". I just think it speaks volumes. He also makes birdhouses as markers for each Troll. I made a reel on Instagram. But, I will add more of the pictures and video to my stories today. This is a great post I found, with some great quotes. Song of the day: They May be Giants: Put a Birdhouse in your Soul


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