What Would Dolly Do?

When I wake up in the morning I am in the closest of a dream state, then any other time of the day. I haven't really had a chance for my whole brain to work,yet. The real part of me that tells me I don't deserve to pursue the dreams I fantaize about. So, this morning I am writing this, hopefully, in a way you the reader will understand. This is not easy, the journey of a writer. But, it was the path not taken. Why? Mostly on my part was confusion, confidence, motivation, procrastination and vulnerablity. But, I woke up this morning thinking of a subject that came up in writing class, yesterday. And, I chimed in, I have trouble with confidence. I have a side of me that does NOT encourage me to do things. Especially, speak in public. But, the last month I have been getting out there, and it has a made a BIG positive difference. For example 21 reviews on Ebay, since I started a few months ago. My writing class appreciating me. Stepping out of my comfort zone to appreciate their courage. What was my secret for the last month? I would ask myself "What Would Dolly Do? Instead of asking myself before I would list something on Ebay. Questions like "Who would buy this?", "If I don't want it, who else is?" "This is not worth that much to me, why is someone going to pay this price?" I thought of things like, what can I include in the shipment to show gratitude? And, when I thought of all of these little paintings I have created. I felt like I hit the jackpot! And, the two shipments I showed on social media in the beginning of the week. They both gave me a good reviews already. This also was an experiment. I made these little clothespin dolls, and they are what I would think the Butterfly Wrester is. I just did it without much thought. I want to go back and explain them. But, I am not going to. Because the experiment was to do a search for the Butterfly Wrestler after a week of listing them. And, they came up right to the top of the search. BINGO!!! That is being able to find a needle in a haystack. It means everything. Because, when you write a blog in the beginning, only who you share the link with finds you. But, if a person starts hearing about the Butterfly Wrestler, they might google it. And, the only way it comes to the top, is if the search engine can find it. So, basically EBAY has given me the platform and voice I have been looking for. Now, I have a Dolly Parton collage I created two years ago. Last week I filled in all the blank spots with my favorite Dolly Quotes. I also put in the lightening bolt "Rockstar". I admire Dolly and this latest album. She created an album basically as what her fans see her as. Not, how she sees herself as a country singer. And, basically that is my story, too, as the Butterfly Wrester. People see the outside me. They have no I idea what I struggle with. Thankfully, they don't see all the racing thoughts going through in my brain. But, writing brings all that out. And, sharing it takes a huge amount of courage. Quote of the day: "You'll never do a whole lot unless you're brave enough to try." Dolly Parton Song of the day: Freebird. Dolly Parton with Leonard Skynard Dolly Parton Rockstar Collage on EBAY


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