Sunshine in my Pocket

The most disappointment I felt, since I had my surgery, was on Thursday. I found out I couldn't get the two drains out by the weekend. A very special weekend including Mother's Day. But, again always looking at the bright side. I was able to be excused from Jury Duty on Monday. As much as I am looking forward to getting rid of the drains and stitches. I am not looking forward to the pain it is going cause when they come out. I can NOT believe I am sharing this picture of me. But, when I was processing the ideal of having the drains the next few days. I tried imagining all of my button down shirts. It did not take long to realize I had the most perfect solution. When I was leaving the hospital the nurse safety pinned the drains on my shirt. Complimenting how pretty my April Cornell top was. It always has felt good how many compliments I would recieve wearing her clothing. When I was purging my wardrobe it didn't feel good all of the beautiful clothes I was selling or donating. But, I lost a lot of weight at the time. And, through Thred Up I was able to get gift cards to use for Vera Bradley. I felt a little tiny bad I ended up with five Artist Smocks (what I am wearing in the picture). But, this made me SO happy because this one and another I will wear today, have pockets. The higher and lower are perfect for the drains! I did think about selling the smocks on Ebay. They are one size fits all, which would make them very easy to sell on online. I am looking forward to a day celebrating mother's. I always enjoy seeing everyone's posts. I know it is a sad day for some. But, we are free! We are so powerful. We CAN make choices to turn a frown upside down. Happy Mother's Day! Quote of the Day: We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated. Maya Angelou Song of the Day: Can't Stop This Feeling Justin Timberlake


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