Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy July 1st!

Happy half year mark! How are you doing with your goals for 2024? How about your word, if you picked one? My word is radiate. My year was full of ups and downs. But, I definitely feel a pull for rising up in this last part of the year. I started meditating every day again. I started with Finding Your Flow with Oprah and Deepak. And, now I am on Attracting Your Energy with Oprah and Deepak. And, these are the perfect way for me to start each day. If I was to be asked right now what I would like to radiate most? It would be Peace, mostly peace of mind. And, to my surprise I have found peace at home. I keep my days very quiet, and I don't run away from it any more. Summers were always about taking time by the pool or ocean. And, this year it is just about catching up again. Still, find myself with never ending paper work. Whether it is preparation for doctor appointments, health care paper work, and now medicare. I also was planning on some big vacations. But, some things came up around the house, I must take care of first. So, for peace of mind my writing is going to be on the back burner for awhile. Until, I take care of all of these priorities. I went to see the play "Beautiful" yesterday, about the life of Carole King. And, decided to greet each morning with the song "Beautiful". So, my goals for the rest of the year is to feel beautiful and make my house beautiful. Quote of the day: “I still believe that everyone is beautiful in some way and by seeing the beauty in others we make ourselves more beautiful.” — Carole King Song of the Day: Beautiful by Carole King

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I love New Years and the Fourth of July. Not only for celebrating, but for goal setting. I am so glad the attention I have put into Ebay...