
Showing posts from January, 2024

Words are Powerful

Everytime I hear those three words, it calls me to action. In my present position in life, I don't feel too powerful. So, writing is my super power. I still wake up with the thought of sharing what I am thinking. Not too sure, if I will be like this forever. But, it has been what helps. I really appreciate my friends for listening to me, also. I think in the morning, after you had a bad day. If you could just ask yourself "what if". It could make all the difference the next day, so you don't have a repeat. I learned last year in painting class to answer the question "what if" in a painting. And, it really made me think about the answer. And, how this could be something that you wish for. But, since you think usually this thing is impossible. But, when you ask yourself, "how can I make the impossible the possible". If you take action, (and deal with the rejection, maybe) slowly or sometimes quickly you can turn things around. I did

The Seeds I Have Sown

It is not ordinary To find flowers in January. Surviving another day. Finding their way To still bloom, Even after a storm. I admire them, Then pull off a stem. I take it inside, And smile wide. They teach me a lesson On surviving on my own. I am so thankful For the seeds I have sown.


I am taking a wonderful writing class (it is actually called writing sanctuary). Today was the last day. Yesterday the prompt was BE-Longing. And it gave a whole new meaning to the word belonging. One of the wonderful parts of the 2023 (my year to just be) was the FREE time. If there was a call to action, it was done in my time. What a gift this is. It gave me time to recognize my feelings. Not only recognize them, but to really feel them. This is something I have naturally not had time for. When I was very young, I would cry a lot. And, I was called a cry baby many times. As I got older I really tried hard to stuff those feelings way down. Something happened when I was pregnant with the twins. I often found it hard to cry. I don't know whether it was because I didn't have the time. I don't think it was, I just didn't feel like it. I started blogging when I was approaching the empty nest. I I was planning on how to stay busy, to help with the loss o

Free Spirit Rising

This watercolor painting was done in the Spring of 2021 after months of spending a lot of time at home. I didn't like it at the time. Now, I love it. I am looking forward to my daily painting again. It is simple, easy, enjoyable and very freeing. I am happy with 4 journals I completed in 2023. They ended up representing the seasons and what I was paying attention to. In the beginning it was a way to calm down my racing thoughts. If I was able to have access to a free meditation, I followed it with the painting. I usually always listen to my favorite music at the same time. Sometimes using the words from the songs as inspiration. But, most of all I am having fun with it. This year I look forward to seeing what it brings for me. I would also love to start writing my own short quotes to combine with it. And, share it on social media with a more cohesive look. I have quite the library of things to read and meditations each morning to get me through January. I love the qui

Welcome 2024

I awoke yesterday with the thought of "what am I going to do today?". I was glad New Year's Eve was a Sunday. I knew my email inbox would be full of inspirations from my top five authors. I have subscribed to them on Substacks. It does become overwhelming at times. But, yesterday there was a standout post. It was from Beth Kempton. I have been following her since I had my store. She featured me once when her website compiled those who "Do What You Love". My story is out there in the cyber cloud somewhere. Currently, she is hosting a Winter Sanctuary of Writing. It started December 28th and runs until January 6th. The perfect time for letting in some light. She reads two poems, talks in a 10 minute video (I love her british accent) and then writes an essay with prompts. She's very easy going with no pressure. She read a poem "The Masterpiece" by Nikita Gill. I follow Nikita's instagram which is poems. And, she definitely resona